carnet de Identidad 1930 inclusive rare Bombero Medal Cuba please avoid the word cuba, cuban when paying with paypal,PayPal holds the money for a while because of a "security check",very crazy
Plate,Warning Sign Habana,Cuba inmueble declarado inhabitable,en turno para demolición Property declared uninhabitable, in turn for demolition Cardboard please avoid the word cuba, cuban when paying with paypal,PayPal holds the money for a while because of a "security check",very crazy
Signature of the parents and brother of Camilo Cienfuegos Father: Ramón Cienfuegos Mother: Emilia Gorriarán Brother: Humberto
Orginal Photo,Orestes Ferrara signed by photograph Karl Handel,Havana Cuba 1909 Orestes Ferrara was a very famous italian-cuban person in cuba
Eduardo Chibas,political orginal Photo 1949 Santiago de Cuba good condition
flight book Cuba,orginal 1947 of Pilot,incl.some documents.rare never seen before
orginal Photos firing squad cuban revolutionaries,near Havana Cemetery,1960s, terrible from prison to execution site, reporter interviewed the convicted a priest gives them encouragement and blessings,with some executed behind them. the eyes are connected,and then shot. the bearded laugh and are satisfied photos are expertly put together with...
Diplomatic Passport Cuba,1956 Carlos Bernardez Hernandez
Taxi CHAUFFER'S LICENSE Camaguey,Cuba 1928
Taxi CHAUFFER'S LICENSE,woman Marianao,Havana ,Cuba 1936 - 1952
military documents cuba 1940s, extremely rare, all from one person
Fidel Castro,original signed certificate with medal 1986 Alfabetizacion Medal, issued 22 December 1986 with a printed signatur of the Secretario Consejo del Estado de Cuba For the personal protection of the family, who lives in Miami, I have made the name unrecognizable. I am selling other things from this person The medal box is in poor condition
Fidel Castro, original dedication and signed certificate with medal 1990 EXTREME RARE!!!!! : Distinction for Cuban Education,also originally signed by the Minister for Education Fernandez. For the personal protection of the family, who lives in Miami, I have made the name unrecognizable. I am selling other things from this person I guarantee the...
Cuba Medal Distintivo Trabajador Vanguardia Municipal + Certificate 1994 signed by secretary general